About Us

This "Everyday woman of Faith" journal was developed and designed to
strengthen and secure your faith in God. Faith is one of the most vital parts of
our relationship with God. You nor I know exactly what we will face in 2022.
Whether it is tragedy, terrible news or even temptation, we are still required by
God to walk and live by faith. Faith makes us braver, bolder and better.
Each of us can examine our lives and know that it was truly faith that carried us
through our times of trials and tribulations. "Faith" just isn't another biblical
term that we use in our daily vocabulary, faith is a mental agreement that puts
God's plan into motion. Faith can propel us and place us in God's divine and
perfect will if we align our decision making upon what we believe. Our values,
choice, thought processes and even our behaviors are all reflective of our faith
and what we believe.

As a woman of faith living this earthly journey daily, I know for a fact God is
faithful. It pleases God when we have faith and trust in Him and His Word.
Allow faith to be your foundation while you navigate this world. Keep your eyes
upon the Lord and allow your decision making to be built on faith, so that you
can be an ambassador of a God who not only exist but is ALIVE!

HEBREWS 1 1 : 1 - 3